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Now downloading free:Keithley 3051 NanotechnologyStandards Article

Keithley 3051 NanotechnologyStandards Article free download

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A G R E AT E R M E AS U R E O F CO N F I D E N C E in cooperation to develop standardized test methods and guidelines, the transition from the laboratory to the marketplace could create many of the same problems as the California gold rush did, particularly for the environment. However, with careful plan- ning, we can have the appropriate terminol- ogy, test measurement methods, reporting, and environmental, safety, and health safe- guards in place early enough to ward off serious consequences. Why Are Standards So Important? Standards Will Very simply, standards are crucial to achieving a high degree of interoperability, creating order in the marketplace, simplify- Help Ensure Order ing production requirements, managing the potential for adverse environmental impacts, and most important, ensuring the safety and in Nano-Enabled health of those developing and using the next generation of materials and devices. Industries

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